
Three gang mould 40x40x160mm EN 196-1
Jolting table EN 196-1
Automatic Programmable Mortar Mixer EN196-1
Ergonomic Mortar Mixer /manual operated/
Automatic Cement Compression & Flexural Machine EN 196-1
Vicat Test Set EN 196-3
Automatic Vicat Device EN 196-3
Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus EN 196-6
Air Entrainment Meter for Mortar EN 1015-7
Le Chatelier Flask EN 196-6
Muffle furnace EN 196-2
Le Chatelier Soundness Kit EN 196-6
Cement Flow Table EN 1015-3
Motorized Cement Flow Table EN 1015-3
Plunger Penetration Apparatus EN 1015-4
Determination of flow characteristics EN 12706
Workable Life and Stiffening Time Apparatus EN 1015-9
Wet Sieving Apparatus EN 451-2
Gillmore Apparatus